Salure is AFAS partner in salarisadministratie, consultancy, functioneel beheer en AFAS koppelingen

Collins Foods

KFC franchisee Collins is working with Salure on ever smarter HR and payroll processes.

Fast-rising Collins Foods (KFC) on partnership with Salure

With strong growth ambitions and an ever-changing workforce, fixed HR systems can be a major hindrance. They used to be sufficient. Now they are an increasingly frustrating barrier to your growth. A flexible HRM platform removes that barrier. But what does that look like in practice? We asked HR manager Soyana Mooren and project coordinator Ajsa Dedić of our client Collins Foods Netherlands Ltd.

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The name Collins Foods Limited will ring a bell with few Dutch people. Yet almost everyone knows its product. The Australian franchisee operates fast food restaurants of Kentucky Fried Chicken (YUM! Brands), among others. Not only in Australia, Thailand, Japan and Germany, but since 2017 also in the Netherlands. Now, in mid-2021, Collins Foods Netherlands Ltd operates 34 of the 77 KFC outlets.

As an implementation and management partner of AFAS Software, Salure helps organizations to set up and manage AFAS’ administration software as desired. Collins has been outsourcing the HR and payroll administration of all its employees (currently around 1,500) to Salure since 2019.

Text: Dick den Braber, photography: Herman Zonderland, location: KFC Den Hoorn

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Soyana (left) and Ajsa (right)

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Daniëlle (left) and Ajsa (right)

Choosing Salure and AFAS

The choice to work with AFAS and Salure was related to several aspects, Soyana recalls. “We liked the fact that we could place part of the payroll with Salure, pay a fee for it and keep the rest of the work with us. In total, this gave us a lower cost than working with an organization that did everything.” Ajsa: “We enter the mutations into the system. Then Salure – particularly payroll specialist DaniĂ«lle Fokkens – checks and processes the changes to make sure everything on the payslips is correct.”

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Ticket tool

In addition to payroll, Collins works closely with Salure’s Functional Management department. The goal of this department is to help customers make optimal use of the AFAS software. For example, by connecting AFAS to even more business systems, and automating even more processes. Like other Salure functional management customers, communication between Collins and Salure takes place via Salure’s relatively new ticket tool (launched in April 2020). Through this digital environment, customers can exchange questions and information with the functional managers.

Ajsa: “If we want to build something into our internal software environment, we ask your Functional Management department via the ticket tool to arrange it for us. Or we ask them for an analysis or plan to make specific processes easier and more efficient.”

Proof of identity

As a concrete example, she mentions the verification of identity documents and any residence documents of new employees. “We always ask for the presentation of this documentation, but now, thanks to an AFAS connection, we can quickly check its authenticity with Valicare’s verification software.

Working efficiently

We want to grow, so we want to automate as much as possible. It doesn’t work if our HR department has to do these kinds of checks manually every time. Now it is running smoothly and in accordance with the General Data Protection Act (AVG). It’s perfect that we were able to do this with Salure and Valicare.” A similar process resulted in recruitment notifications, transfer notifications and contract extensions all running smoothly and centrally through the AFAS software from now on.

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Such options, to automate more and more processes with the help of Salure, makes the collaboration attractive for Collins, Ajsa believes. With the assurance that everything will run smoothly. “As Quick service restaurants, our KFC locations need to work quickly and effectively to serve their customers. Therefore, you want to avoid a restaurant manager spending hours on their administration. When things like this go so quickly and smoothly, it makes it easier for them and our central HR department. They can then focus on the restaurant, the colleagues, and their guests.”

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Ajsa with restaurant manager Niroshini

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Fixed contact person

In addition to the time saved for Collins by working with Salure and AFAS, Ajsa also experiences the contact as pleasant. “For example, I have one regular contact person, which is DaniĂ«lle. If she goes on vacation, she tells us who we can contact for that long. So I never have to wonder which one of you I have to contact.”

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The ticket tool also works positively, she believes. “I know when and for what I can use it. I always get a pretty quick response and a concrete solution.” Her manager Soyana nods in agreement. “I fully concur with this. We have a flexible package where we can request additional services. As soon as we need them, they are delivered in less than 24 hours. We really like that.”

Vision for the future

Ajsa: “In human resources, we can always make life easier for our colleagues. I do have ideas about that, haha. But now we really need to focus on further implementing the possibilities of AFAS InSite. I am pleased that a large part of it is now up and running, and that everyone understands how it works. In the beginning we still received many questions from the branches. These included unfamiliarity with or errors in the AFAS system. This had to do with our transfer from our previous payroll company to Salure. I am very happy with how things are working now, and that Salure is helping us so well. For the future, I still have a lot of ideas, but we need to finish some innovation projects well first, before it becomes too much.”

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Her manager Soyana agrees. “But the fact that Salure can support us with every idea we get, is good to know. We also know that Salure can be very honest and say that something can’t be done, or can be done in a different way. We can then brainstorm with each other about that. In that respect, too, Salure is a very suitable partner. We find that very refreshing.”

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When Collins Foods Limited entered our country through Germany, the franchisee started taking 16 locations from fast food chain KFC Corporation in 2017. The number grew to 29 locations through 2021, and to the aforementioned 34 locations since July 1.


The growth ambition doesn’t stop here, Soyana reveals. “We definitely want to have many more. That’s why we think it’s very important to have our HR strategy in place. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we just lost some employees, so partly because of our growth ambition, we really need to have a good focus on staff recruitment.”

To that end, Collins needs smooth-running HR systems. Soyana: “For both Ajsa and myself, but certainly for our restaurant managers. This will enable them to implement their human resources policies quickly. That’s the strategy for now: execute projects that fit our growth.”

Progress smarter with Salure

We are happy to give advice on setting up and optimizing your HR and Payroll processes in AFAS. Please leave your details. We will contact you as soon as possible. Let’s progress smarter together!

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